World Oral Health Day organised at I.T.S Dental College, Greater Noida

The ‘World Oral Health Day’ was observed on 20th March 2017at Vidya Hall Auditorium of I.T.S Dental College, Hospital and Research Centre, Greater Noida. World Oral Health day is an initiative taken by FDI Society to spread the awareness and importance of a Healthy Mouth and its effects on other parts of the body. Every year it is celebrated across the globe by various institutions and dental bodies to mark the occasion. The theme for the year 2018 is “Think Mouth Think Health”.

The program started with invocation of goddess Saraswati,Also present on the occasion were Mr. SohilChadha ( Vice – Chairman, ITS Group ), Director- Principal Dr.AkshayBhargava, Dean UG Prog, DR SachitAnandArora,all Head of the departments, Faculty and students.

Vice – Chairman of I.T.S – The Education Group MrSohilChadha in his address told that health of your mouth mirrors the condition of your body as a whole. He told that taking good care of mouth, teeth and gums is a worthy goal in and of itself. Good oral and dental hygiene can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease—and can help you keep your teeth as you get older.

Dr. ShivjotChinha(Prof., Department of Periodontics), addressed the gatheringand gave a brief but very interesting presentation on the importance of Oral health and reflected upon its effect on systemic health.
