Innovation Ignites: Techinertia 2.0 & Carvaan 2.0 Sets Greater Noida Institute of Technology Ablaze

The Greater Noida Institute of Technology was abuzz with the vibrant pulse of innovation and creativity as it played host to the sensational two-day extravaganza, Techinertia 2.0 & Carvaan 2.0. The event commenced with a spectacular Light Lamp Ceremony that set the stage for a journey into the realms of cutting-edge technology and boundless imagination.

Distinguished luminaries including the esteemed Chairman of the Institute, B.L. Gupta, the Member of Management, Sakshi Gupta, and the visionary Group Director, Dr. Sharad Aggarwal, graced the ceremony with their presence. Chairman B.L. Gupta, in his distinctive manner, delivered a stirring motivational address that kindled the flames of inspiration among the attendees. With a compelling anecdote, he underscored the importance of creating opportunities and urged all to fearlessly navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

Adding to the fervor, College Dean Tanu eloquently portrayed Techinrtia as more than just a tech fest; it was depicted as a stage where students could showcase their prowess in emerging technologies. Her words resonated deeply, instilling a sense of pride and anticipation among the audience.

Throughout the event, attendees engaged in a plethora of stimulating activities, ranging from Chess to Valovent Hackathon, designed to challenge their skills and ignite their competitive spirit. The culmination of the first day was marked by a grand Certificate Distribution Ceremony, where Sanjeev Sharma, Managing Director of SMC Electronics Pvt Limited, and Vishal Goyal commended the outstanding performances of winners like Abhijeet, Daksh, Angad, Arbaaz, Divansh, and many others.

Behind the scenes, the dynamic duo of Indu Bushan and Dean Tanu Vats, along with the unwavering support of the brilliant HOD, Dr. Manoj Srivastava, and dedicated faculty and student volunteers such as Sachin Gujar, Tushika Aditya, and Arushi, meticulously coordinated the event. Their relentless dedication ensured the seamless execution of the proceedings, leaving an indelible mark on all attendees.
