ITS Engineering College organizes ‘Build with Delhi’ Hackathon

Greater Noida, Saturday 29th June, 2024: CSE Department of I.T.S Engineering College, one of the Premier Institution in the field of Engineering and Management Education organized a Hackathon named “Build with Delhi” in association with HackwithIndia community, Computer Society of India, Student Branch at I.T.S. Engineering College, Greater Noida.

The opening of program was made by welcome speech by Mr. Ghanshyam Yadav Assistant Professor, CSE department who briefed about the panel of Judges Mr. Sarthak Jain, MVP-Microsoft, Mr. Aviral, Founder-HackwithIndia community. The guests were welcomed with the bouquet presentation by Dr. Mayank Garg, Director, ITSEC, Dr. Vishnu Sharma, Dean-CSE & Allied Branches, ITSEC and Dr. Ashish Kumar, Head of CSE & Allied Branches, ITSEC.

The dignitaries motivated and encouraged the students to participate in such events by telling them about the current market scenario and said that participation in such technical competitive events enhance their ability and creativity skills to develop things instantaneously after which coordinators of the event, Mr. Ghanshyam Yadav & Mr. Aman Anand told the rules of the competition to the participants. In the event, more than 400 participants from various reputed Colleges and University registered their names.

Panel of Judges evaluated the skills and work of participant teams and selected team Techno for their Project titled “Content Generation through Generative AI” for 1st position, team Bitcoders for their Project titled “Smart Irrigation through IOT devices” and team Dynamic for their Project titled “Smart Agriculture through Crop Yield & Disease Prediction” for 2nd and 3rd positions respectively. This was followed by prize distribution of 15000, 10000 and 5000 to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners and participation certificates to other participants.

Finally mementos were given to distinguished guests as token of appreciation for accepting the invitation for event and sparing valuable time from their busy schedule. Mr. Ghanshyam Yadav, AP-CSE coordinated and conducted the valedictory ceremony of the event. Mr. Ghanshyam Yadav, AP-CSE on behalf of the I.T.S Engineering College expressed gratitude to the distinguished guests. Dr. Ashish Kumar thanked the management of I.T.S Engineering College and acknowledged Prof. (Dr.) Mayank Garg, Director, Prof.(Dr.) Vishnu Sharma, Dean-CSE & Allied Branches, all Sponsors (HIVE, Microsoft, Freshemen & Hackquest), faculty members of CSE Department and various student volunteers for putting in their hard work towards the grand success of the event.
