Vaccination and COVID-19 3.0 – Will some one rise to the occasion ?

By Vishal Goel, Industrial Entrepreneurs Association

It is Clearly lack of intention to Set things right.

As a common man’s perspective, when we have a system, it can be implemented, but zero political will, no administrative interest and no team work between citizen’s and administration, will always make the situation remain same.

If we are a Big Country & Issues are more, Our System’s & Team is equally bigger to handle any situation. We have seen Citizen’s rising to any occasion, requiring involvement but small gestures remain secluded and corruption and malpractices go rampant, because of no checks.

We All Need to realize and evaluate why our system’s are not working.

Why only those issues are sometimes attended, which are raised & why is system is not interested to provide the facilities to all. Why have we allowed our politicians to act against our social values and they are only interested in own politics & religion.

We are allowing all segments to just cheat our own self. Why are we not interested to bring in the change, which is practically possible & it does not requires months & years, but rather very very few days.

I sincerely hope that some day, some one, will rise to the occasion and things shall be done correctly.
