IIC-Galgotias University organizes National Startup Case Study Competition

Innovation Council of Galgotias University recently organized a 3-day National Startup Case Study Competition from 5th Feb to 7th February, 2021.

Total 33 Teams from various prestigious Business Schools and other institutes from all parts of India participated in this competition.

Amongst the 33 teams, 9 teams from Galgotias University, 4 teams from Vidyalankar School of Information Technology (VSIT) Mumbai, 2 teams from Gurukula Kangri Vishawavidyalaya Haridwar and other teams were from NIT-Warangal, NIT-Surathkal, Delhi University & others institutes.

Top 10 teams were shortlisted for the final round of the competition. Team from Sri Venkateswara College (SVC), Delhi University was adjudged the winner of the competition. Teams from KIT’s College of Engineering-Kolhapur and Vidyalankar School of Information Technology-Mumbai were 1st runner-up & 2nd  runner-up respectively.

All participants appreciated the way this unique competition was organized. “I would never have learned about how FinTech Startups works, if I didn’t participate at this competition. Thank you Galgotias University for organizing such a unique competition”, one of the participants Hrishikesh Singh from VSIT-Mumbai said during the award ceremony. Two finalist teams from Galgotias University were also given the Special Mention award.
